Pythagoras -570 - -495, Pythagoras of Samos Euclid -300, Euclid of Alexandria Archimedes -287 - -212, Archimedes of Syracuse Eratosthenes -276 - -195, Eratosthenes of Cyrene Diophantus 214 - 284, Diophantus of Alexandria Fibonacci 1170 - 1240, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa or Leonardo Bigollo Pisano, Liber Abaci, Fibonacci sequence and another one I forgot (see book Ballico suggested) Alberti 1404 - 1472, Leon Battista Alberti, wrote "De componendis cifris" Tartaglia 1499 - 1557, Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia Cardano 1501 - 1576, Gerolamo Cardano de Meziriac 1581 - 1638, Claude Gaspar Bachet Sieur de Méziriac Mersenne 1588 - 1648, Marin Mersenne Fermat 1607 - 1665, Pierre de Fermat Newton 1642 - 1726, Sir Isaac Newton Leibniz 1646 - 1716, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Euler 1707 - 1783, Leonhard Euler Lagrange 1736 - 1813, Giuseppe Luigi Lagrangia, Joseph-Louis Lagrange Legendre 1752 - 1833, Adrien-Marie Legendre Germain 1776 - 1831, Marie-Sophie Germain Gauss 1777 - 1855, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Liouville 1809 - 1882, Joseph Liouville Abel 1802 - 1829, Niels Henrik Abel Jacobi 1804 - 1851, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi Liouville 1809 - 1882, Joseph Liouville Dirichlet 1805 - 1859, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet Kummer 1810 - 1893, Ernst Eduard Kummer Galois 1811 - 1832, Évariste Galois Chebyshev 1821 - 1894, Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev Hermite 1822 - 1901, Charles Hermite Kronecker 1823 - 1891, Leopold Kronecker Riemann 1826 - 1866, Bernhard Riemann Dedekind 1831 - 1916, Richard Dedekind Cantor 1845 - 1918, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor Lindemann 1852 - 1939, Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Hilbert 1862 - 1943, David Hilbert Minkowski 1864 - 1909, Hermann Minkowski Ramanujan 1887 - 1920, Srinivasa Ramanujan Carmichael 1879 - 1967, Robert Daniel Carmichael Friedman 1891 - 1969, US Army cryptographer who run SIS, broke PURPLE cipher in 1940 Artin 1898 - 1962, Emil Artin, along with Emmy Noether considered founder of modern abstract algebra NIST 1901 National Institute of Standards and Technology Weil 1906 - 1998, André Weil IBM 1911 International Business Machines 1924. Big Blue Turing 1912 - 1954, Alan Turing Feistel 1915 - 1990, Horst Feistel Hamming 1915 - 1998 Richard Wesley Hamming, American mathematician, Hamming code (7, 3) for computation as tubes would easly blow requiring to restart computation frequently GCHQ 1919 Government Communications Headquarters (UK) Herstein 1923 - 1988, Israel Nathan Herstein Grothendieck 1928 - 2024, Alexander Grothendieck, Algebraic Geometry SIS 1930 Signal Intelligence Service, renamed the Signal Security Agency in 1943, and in September 1945, became the Army Security Agency Conway 1937 - 2020 John Horton Conway was an English mathematician active in the theory of finite groups, knot theory, number theory, combinatorial game theory and coding theory. He also made contributions to many branches of recreational mathematics, most notably the invention of the cellular automaton called the Game of Life. Hartshorne 1938 Robin Hartshorne, text Algebraic Geometry Diffie 1944 Whitfield Diffie Niederreiter 1944 Harald Niederreiter Hellman 1945 Martin Edward Hellman Miller 1947 Victor Saul Miller Rivest 1947 Ronald Linn Rivest, RSA, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6 Sussman 1947 Gerald Jay Sussman, co-authored Scheme, SICP and SDF Koblitz 1948 Neal I. Koblitz Merkle 1952 Ralph C. Merkle NSA 1952 National Security Agency Wiles 1953 Sir Andrew John Wiles, Fermat's Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves ARPA 1958 Advanced Research Projects Agency, US response to Sputnik 1 Lisp 1958 USA. CL 1984, Elisp 1985. List Processor/Processing Shor 1959 Peter Williston Shor, developed Shor's algorithm in 1994 Wolfram 1959 Stephen Wolfram, build Mathematica Schneier 1963 Bruce Schneier, Solitaire, Blowfish, Twofish, Threefish, MacGuffin APL 1964 A Programming Language, Kenneth Iverson. A for array ASCII 1968 American Standard Code for Information B 1969 Ken Thompson. same purpose as BCPL, still no types Cineca 1969 non-profit consortium, made up of 69 Italian universities, 27 national public research centres UNIX 1969 manual 1971, outside Bell 1973 Pascal 1970 structured programming and data structuring. Niklaus Wirth djb 1971 Daniel Julius Bernstein, Salsa20, ChaCha20, Poly1305, Curve25519 Lange 19xx Tanja Lange, German cryptographer and number theorist at the Eindhoven University of Technology sh 1971 Ken Thompson C 1972 Dennis Ritchie, Bell Labs ML 1973 Meta Language, functional "Lisp with types" grep 1973 Ken Thompson, AT&T Bell. ed g/re/p (global regexp print) SQL 1974 Seek Well, based on relational algebra CPS 1975 continuation-passing style, coined in "AI Memo 349" DES 1975 Data Encryption Standard, basic block of 3DES, designed by Feistel Scheme 1975 MIT. Lexical Scope. Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman, MacLisp DHKX 1976 Diffie–Hellman key exchange Emacs 1976 TECO EMACS Editor MACroS, keyboard shortcuts and Lisp. MIT vi 1976 programmer editor, mode based. pronounced "vee eye" AWK 1977 Aho-Weinberger-Kernighan text processing/extraction BSD 1977 Berkeley Software Distribution. University of California FP 1977 Functional Programming, John Backus RSA 1977 Rivest–Shamir–Adleman public-key cryptosystem sh 1977 Bourne McEliece 1978 - 2019, Robert McEliece, made an asymmetric encryption algorithm based on codes make 1979 make(1) OpenBSD: "make ... appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX" K&R C 1978 Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie, "K&R C" Ada 1980 US military software unifying attempt USENET 1980 LLL 1982 Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász lattice basis reduction algorithm SMTP 1982 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. RFC 821, 5321 (2008) C++ 1983 "C with classes", Bjarne Stroustrup GNU 1983 GNU is not UNIX. Richard Stallman, MIT Word 1983 ksh 1983 KornShell, David Korn, Bell Labs ECC 1985 Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Neal Koblitz 1987 and Victor S. Miller 1985 POSIX 1985 Portable Operating System Interface, IEEE-IX. rms Erlang 1986 Ericsson, concurrent/distributed real-time high availability Niederreiter 1986 Niederreiter cryptosystem GIF 1987 Graphics Interchange Format. Steve Wilhite IRC 1988 Internet Relay Chat. Jarkko Oikarinen, Finland Haskell 1990 side-effect free functional programming J 1990 WWW 1990 Tim Berners-Lee, CERN. web browser, server, HTML, URL, HTTP Gopher 1991 IP network protocol, yielded to HTTP HTTP 1991 CERN Hypertext Transfer Protocol. IETF/W3C IP bundle Linux 1991 Monolithic Unix by enthusiasts/zealots Python 1991 interpreted, OO. significant whitespace/off-side rule SIM 1991 Subscriber Identity Module. Germany/Finland Vim 1991 Vi IMproved, programmer's text editor JPEG 1992 Joint Photographic Experts Group. lossy compression. IBM etc JPG 1992 see JPEG OpenGL 1992 C GFX library. cross-language 2D/3D industry standard SMS 1992 Short Message Service, 160 chars Blowfish 1993 symmetric-key block cipher by Schneier CGI 1993 HTML 1993 HyperText Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee, CERN PDF 1993 Portable Document Format. Adobe. based on PostScript R 1993 stats/data mining, S with lexical scope. New Zealand Java 1995 JavaScript 1995 _not_ shabby-construction, web-programming with a C++ syntax PHP 1995 Personal Home Page (or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) SSL 1995 Secure Socket Layer, first version never released, 2.0 released in 1995, after the thirds release it was replaced by TLS OpenBSD 1996 Theo de Raadt's "secure by default" NetBSD fork PNG 1996 Portable Network Graphics ("PING"), lossless raster graphics Tamagotchi 1996 Akihiro Yokoi, Japan. handheld digital pet toy USB 1996 Universal Serial Bus NTRU 1996 Number Theorist aRe Us, Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman Serpent 1998 symmetric-key block cipher ranked second to Rijndael, designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen Bluetooth 1999 C99 1999 backward compatibility DVI 1999 Digital Visual Interface RSS 1999 web feed, Really Simple Syndication or "Rich Site Summary" TLS 1999 Transport Layer Security followed SSL, latest specs are TLS 1.3 defined in 2018 ECDSA 1999 The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. Don Johnson, Alfred Menezes. AES 2001 Advanced Encryption Standard, original name Rijndael, designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen Firefox 2002 HDMI 2002 High-Definition Multimedia Interface git 2005 Linus Torvalds Go 2007 Google's language for networking, multiprocessing. static typing iPhone 2007 500 USD, the world's most expensive phone netbook 2007 small, lightweight, legacy-free, inexpensive laptop ChaCha 2008 Salsa variant by djb Tails 2009 The Amnesic Incognito Live System, security Debian distro Rust 2010 memory-safe concurrent programming, C++ syntax. Mozilla WebM 2010 audiovisual royalty-free media file format for HTML5. Google WebP 2010 lossy/lossless. animation, alpha. RIFF, smaller. Google EdDSA 2011 Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm. Daniel J. Bernstein, Niels Duif, Tanja Lange, Peter Schwabe, Bo-Yin Yang, et al. ChromeOS 2011 proprietary everything-in-the-browser OS. Google Elixir 2012 modern Erlang on top of BEAM, with Ruby-ish syntax TOML 2013 Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language. .toml config file format CRYSTALS 2017 Lattice-based cryptography